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RT : The best virtual reality from the 2016 Tribeca Film Festival via
Stanford's Virtual Reality Lab Turned Me Into a Cow, Then Sent Me to the Slaughterhouse
RT : How is Helping Athletes Train Smarter!!
In-depth Interview with Howard Rose, CEO – Roundabout Theatre Blog
/in News /by“This is the way we look at VR. It’s a tool to enable people to perform at a higher level. And in the broader sense of medicine, we’re trying to transition people from being health consumers to health producers. So we’re not just consuming health services, but actually become the engine of our own wellness. Instead of taking a pill, we tap into our innate capacity to be engaged, to be active, and to get through a procedure without the need of the drugs. Doesn’t that make sense?”
Image from MSNBC’s Rock Center
Watch the story of Lt. Sam Brown that inspired the play, Ugly Lies The Bone
A Virtual History: Connecting With Realities Of Healthcare
Howard Rose talks with Susan Williams
Virtual Gaming With Real Health Outcomes
/in Frontpage Article, News /byTEDMED: Howard Rose describes how virtual reality can unlock the innate human power to prevent and recover from illness.
Watch at TEDMED
Dr. Ted Jones Brings DeepStream VR to Help His Patients
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